
Baqi Samandar, who dedicates his life entirely to the street children of Afghanistan, founded the Kashanas with the aim of giving as many of them as possible a chance for a brighter future.

Vandria's visit and introduction to 2 great indigenous projects in the Amazon made it clear that cultural centers for 4 Borari villages would be a necessary prerequisite for these projects.

In August 2021, we witnessed an unimaginable humanitarian catastrophe in Afghanistan. Anyone who stood up for human rights, freedom and education there was threatened with persecution.
This interview with our special guest Zekria Farzad is about the situation in Afghanistan since August 2021. He is a journalist from Afghanistan and founder of 'Wave of Hope for the Future.
Episode 3 with our special guest Hakon Frode Saersten is about how we can all live together peacefully in this world. We would like to enter into a constructive dialogue with you about this.
The 2nd episode of our podcast 'Human first', with our special guests Patrick Münz and Hakon Frode Saersten, is about Human Rights and responsibility.